Thursday, May 30, 2013

Born to be a Momma

This picture makes me smile 1 million times over.  Caroline has found her calling in life; The Keeper of "Udson."  As Caroline walked into the door and laid eyes on her little brother for the first time she squealed in delight.  From that moment on she reminds everyone at least 10 times a day, "Udson, coot."  (translation: Hudson is cute.)

Hudson brought Caroline a present for their first meeting.  He brought her diapers, clothes, burp rags and bottles for her babies.  She has used her supplies to learn how to help take care of Hudson.

She helps feed Hudson, brings him clean diapers, throws away old diapers and always knows the location of his paci.  She even gives him the needed medical attention that newborns require.

I am hoping that Hudson and Caroline grow to be the best of friends, but through the teenage years when they bicker and argue with one another I will use these photos to prove to them that they once loved each other dearly.  

Caroline you definitely were born to be a momma!

1 comment:

  1. How cute! You know, they say that you're either born with the mommy gene or you're not. Caroline definitely has it :-)
